​How Do I Place An Order?
To place an order simply just add items you wish to purchase to your cart. Once you are finished click on the checkout button where you will be asked a few details before completing your order. Make sure you add the correct amount you wish to purchase then simply click on cart to check out & pay.
​Payment options
We accept payment by paypal, credit\debit card & apple pay. We also accept payment by bank transfer. If you wish pay via bank transfer please message us with your order.
Cancellation & returns
Consumers have the right of cancellation & can return goods within 7 days after delivery of the goods. To cancel your order with these rights please send us an email. Please include an explantion as to why you wish to cancel your order. You will be responsible for returning goods at your expense. Please make sure items are cared for when packaged to protect against damage. If the goods are not returned in good condition and are damaged we may make a deduction in value to cover our losses. When goods are received we will refund within 14 days of receiving goods.
​Shipping charges
We use Royal Mail to post out most of our items. For our bigger items we use a courier service where your items will need to be signed for. Our delievery charges vary depending on size and weight of item. When you add items to your cart it will let you know of the postage charge.
When will i be charged?
You will be charged on the same day every month. If you start your subscription on the 1st, you will be charged on or around the 1st. The date may vary slighlty because of holidays or weekends.
When will my subscription be dispached?
Your subscription will be posted usually within 7 business days of your charge date.
Can i switch subscriptions?
Sure! Just unsubscribe from your current subscription then resign-up for your new one!